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Master of Divinity

  /    /  Master of Divinity


The Master of Divinity degree requires at least 72 units. Up to 36 units may come from a combination of transfer credit or documented previous learning.

The requirements for the degree are:

Biblical studies: 5 courses, 15 units

1)         BI501 Biblical Interpretation

2)         BI522 The Gospels

3)         BI524 Epistles of Paul

4)        One Old Testament course

5)         One additional course in biblical studies


Church history: 2 courses, 6 units

6)         Two church history courses


Christian ministry: 7 courses, 21 units

7)         CM501 Pastoral Leadership

8)         CM503 Christian Counseling

9)         CM504 Practice of Ministry

10)       CM510 Polity of Grace Communion International

11)        CM511 Homiletics

12)       Two additional courses in Christian ministry


Field Education: 3 courses, 6 units

13)        FE501, FE502, FE503 Field Education 1, 2 & 3


Theology: 6 courses, 18 units

14)       TH501 Nature of God and Jesus Christ

15)       TH502 Nature of Humanity and Salvation

16)       TH503 The Holy Spirit, the Church, and Last Things

17)       TH515 Theological Ethics

18)       Two additional theology courses



19)       One additional course from any subject area

20)      A research thesis, written for CM519, TH519, or TM501 option B. This counts as a ministry or theology elective, depending on the topic of the research.

21)       CM599 Master of Divinity Capstone, which requires a summative exam as a prerequisite.

22)      All courses must be passed with a grade of C+ or better; the grade point average must be 3.0 or higher.


Program Goal:

In the Master of Divinity degree, we seek to help students attain a solid biblical and theological foundation for personal reflection, to clarify the underpinnings of work within the church or parachurch ministry, to help the student attain skills needed in ministry, and, if the student desires, be an entry point for further study in the academy.

Program Outcomes:

  1. Students who complete the MDiv requirements will be able to interpret the biblical text, and will be able to describe the biblical text as a historical document and an inspired and authoritative guide for Christian life and ministry.
  2. Students will be able to think theologically, to analyze differences between various Christian traditions, and to synthesize central themes of the nature of God and Christian proclamation of the word of God.
  3. Students will have a theological foundation for thinking about contemporary social and ethical issues.
  4. Students will gain a broad perspective on how the Holy Spirit has been working in the church from the first century to the modern era.
  5. Students will grow in spiritual maturity and in leadership skills needed in the church and related ministries.
  6. Students will develop pastoral skills such as preaching, counseling, teaching, training, mentoring, and leading in service.
  7. Students will be able to evaluate themselves as unique persons who discern their calling and build strong relationships that draw on and bear witness to the love of God the Father, the grace of the Son Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.
  8. Students will see themselves as called by God to serve the church (or church related ministries) in which they continually integrate their personal skills, spiritual gifts, and theological academic training. This will help students see the value of education, leading to a lifelong commitment to continuing education even after they graduate.

 See our Academic Catalog for more details.