BI510 Old Testament Survey

About this course
This course will plunge you into a quick trip through the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) in which you will gain an overview of the varied genres, themes, structures and core messages of this fascinating anthology of sacred writings. Spanning many centuries, the books of the Old Testament are marvelously diverse in their historical, geographical, cultural and textual settings. Yet at the same time their diverse portrayals are interwoven like threads composing an utterly unique tapestry that bears witness to the glory and wonder of the same Almighty Creator-Redeemer Triune God whose presence underlies them all. Attention will be paid to the relevance of historical, geographical, literary, cultural and theological contexts for faithfully and reliably interpreting the core message of each biblical book as well as how those diverse writings contribute to and connect with the overarching redemption trajectory realized in and through Jesus Christ.