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FE502 – Field Education 2
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FE502 – Field Education 2

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FE502 – Field Education 2


About this course

FE502 is two credit hours per semester. Students are to reflect on the Incarnational Trinitarian theological foundations of their ministry work and how their ministry work is centered in Christ. The course entails 90 hours of student work per semester on a ministry-related project. The course includes: 

  1. developing and implementing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP) for a project
  2. forum discussions
  3. project summary/reflection paper, which integrates the student’s previous academic studies with the ministry projects they select.

Students should select only one ministry project for FE502; the project for FE502 must differ from that for FE501.


Prerequisites: CM501 Foundations for Christian Ministry, FE501 Field Education 1, and 32 or more semester hours of previous academic credit.